Young Carers Action Day

Young Carers Action Day

Less than one month to go until Young Carers Action Day!! This year the theme for the action day is ‘Fair Futures For Young Carers’ #YoungCarersActionDay2024
Helping Carers with the Cost of Living Crisis

Helping Carers with the Cost of Living Crisis

Lanarkshire Carers We are living through an unprecedented time, with the rapid increase in the cost of energy, food, fuel, and basic essentials continuing to rise, all at the same time. Lanarkshire Carers know that unpaid carers are among the groups hardest hit by the...
Help During The Cost Of Living Crisis

Help During The Cost Of Living Crisis

If you need urgent help with money, food or fuel Your local council may be able to help if you need urgent help with things like food, heating and electricity. Read more here…
Well Connected Programme

Well Connected Programme

Well Connected is Lanarkshire’s social prescribing programme. Well Connected makes it easy for people to take part in and benefit from activities and services that we know can improve well-being. We are pleased to announce the development of the Well Connected...
Youth Work in North Lanarkshire – Whats on?

Youth Work in North Lanarkshire – Whats on?

Find out what youth work activities are on in your area. Need more information? Contact us on social media @NLCYouthwork, or email us at